TEMPO Data: For Scientists

The TEMPO mission is providing a suite of air quality-related products, which are made publicly available and free of charge via the NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) TEMPO Data Products page and NASA Earthdata. To learn more about TEMPO data products and how to get TEMPO data, please check out the NASA Earthdata Webinar NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center “Finding Your TEMPO: An Introduction to the Mission, Products, and Data Services for Air Quality Observations over North America" with presentation slide deck.

TEMPO data can be viewed from NASA Worldview for both L2 and L3 data.

More information about TEMPO and the services the ASDC provides may be found in the TEMPO storymap storymap.

NASA Science Visualization Studio images/animations can be found for 28 March 2024, 28-31 August 2023, and 2 August 2023.

The table below shows the planned TEMPO Level 1 - Level 3 data products; only the ozone profile product has not been released to the public yet. All the data products are produced at its native spatial resolution of 2.0 km × 4.75 km except the ozone profile product which will be produced at a coarser resolution of 8.0 km x 4.75 km, as this algorithm is computationally expensive. NASA Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) funded us to produce near-real-time (NRT) products (latency < 3 hours) of L1b, cloud, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and formaldehyde (HCHO) data products and will be publicly available in mid-2025.

Level Product Major Outputs Resolution
L1 Irradiance Calibrated & quality flags Daily/Weekly
Radiance Geolocated, calibrated solar backscattered radiances 2.0×4.75 Hourly, Granule
City lights Geolocated, calibrated radiances 2.0×4.75 Variable, Granule
L2 Cloud Cloud fraction, cloud pressure 2.0×4.75 Hourly, Granule
Total O3 (Ozone) Total column, Aerosol Index 2.0×4.75
NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) Stratospheric & Tropospheric Vertical Column Densities (VCD) 2.0×4.75
HCHO (Formaldehyde) Total Vertical Column Densities (VCD) 2.0×4.75
O3 profile Total, Stratospheric, Tropospheric, & 0-2 km column 8.0×4.75
L3 Gridded L2 Same products as L2 ~2.0×2.0
Hourly, Scan